two weeks of beard growth

Once you’ve made it through the first four weeks of beard growth and the 1-month beard which is dubbed as the “awkward beard growth stage” you’re going to see that the second month of beard growth will be easy in comparison.

Other articles in this series:

Now your beard should finally be around a length that it could be trimmed properly, and shaping the edges will be much much easier.

Looking into owning a beard brush also becomes more and more important, while beard oil, beard balm, and beard combs are still somewhat unnecessary.

Let’s take a closer look at the two-month beard growth and how to take care of it. ↓

What Do 2 Months of Beard Growth Look Like

evenly trimming a sparse beard

As you should know by now, the average beard growth rate is roughly half-an-inch per month.

Meaning that your facial hair should be around 1″ in length after growing it for two months.

But do remember that that’s just the average number. Some beards grow twice as fast, while some beards come in so slow and patchy that you’re beginning to question whether there is anything to grow at all.

It’s all-natural and part of the process. Each beard grows different, and some hairs are late bloomers. If your beard isn’t where you would like it to be by now, don’t get discouraged; two-months is still baby steps in terms of beardedness.

Below are some good examples of what a 2 month beard looks like for various different men.

The typical 2-month beard example without trimming:

usual 2 month beard example
This is about what your beard should look like after eight weeks of growth and no trimming on average.

Well-trimmed two month beard:

trimmed two month facial hair
This example is much better-looking than the one above, but that’s because here we see a well-done neckline with evenly trimmed cheek area.

Natural eight-week beard with cleaned up cheek line:

natural 8 week beard
Just cleaning up the cheeks and leaving the rest natural isn’t a bad option either.

Using Beard Oil is Still Not Necessary

beard oil in open palm

Most beard grooming experts agree that you don’t need to use beard oil until you hit 1.5-2″ facial hair length.

It does not hurt to use it before, especially if you suffer from beard itch or beard dandruff.

But since the natural sebum oil production from the sebaceous glands is still plenty enough to fully moisturize a one-inch beard, using extra oil on top of this is simply unnecessary.

The same thing goes for beard balm at this stage. Two months in it’s unnecessary for its moisturizing benefits, but if you need some extra hold or styling help, you could opt for balm or beard wax.

Washing the Beard isn’t Difficult Either

washing the beard over sink

We have often made a remark on this beard blog that you should always opt for beard wash over generic shampoo, and we talk about things like beard-co washing, etc.

But when your beard is as young as 2 months, using beard shampoo as well as beard conditioner is still not necessary, and a bit of a waste of money to be honest.

You see; even though generic shampoos strip most of the natural oils from your beard, your beard is still so short that the sebaceous glands will have no problem re-moisturizing the whiskers.

Besides, your beard two months it will not get so dirty that you would even need to shampoo it. So don’t stress about beard products like these yet.

Beard Brushes and Combs – Do You Need Them?

two panel with man using beard brush and another using comb

The key difference between a beard brush and a beard comb is that the brush works better for shorter beards for some natural exfoliation and styling benefits, whereas a comb is great for longer beards where you need to untangle knots, etc.

Obviously, a beard as short as the one you can grow in just 2 months of time will not have any knots in it, so getting a beard comb will be a useless investment.

But beard brushes, on the other hand, start to become more and more beneficial starting around the two-month mark.

That’s because you can use the brush to start training and taming your facial hair.

Plus it helps to stimulate the natural sebum oil production and blood circulation to the beard area, which is clearly beneficial for the health and natural growth of your whiskers.

NOTE: Don’t get a stiff boar bristle brush for such a short beard. It would be better to invest in a soft-to-medium bristled brush.

How to Trim a Two-Month Facial Hair

2 month beard trimming guide

The popular 4-week beard rule says that you should not go anywhere near your facial hair with beard scissors or a trimmer during the first month.

And even after the first four weeks, I would recommend that you either do not trim your beard at all or only very carefully clean up the neckline.

But what about when you’re at the two-month mark?

Well, that’s the perfect time to do some light trimming and shaping work, as your beard now should have enough of “bulk” to work with, and it will be easier to visualize what it will look like once it grows longer.

Your options are either to book a time with a local barbershop or to trim your beard at home.

If you end up with the latter option, there are only four main things you need to focus on when trimming a 2-month beard…

They are:

  1. Don’t take too much of the mustache off, just use beard scissors to clip off the fly-away hairs.
  2. Don’t go too low on the cheekline, some hairs are still coming in slower and you might not have a clear line yet.
  3. Utilizing a beard trimmer, you can even out the upper cheeks to make your beard appear thicker visually.
  4. Leave plenty of space between your actual jawline and the bottom of your beard. NEVER cut the neckline around the jawline.

That last part about the neckline is the most important part, and botching it up is the easiest way to ruin your beard.

If you go too high with the neckline you will not only lose some serious fullness from your beard in the later months, but you will also look quite funny from the side profile as you expose the soft fat under your neck and your neckline creeps up to your lower cheek when you open your mouth.

If you trim the beard yourself be very careful, and carve the neckline out as carefully as you would dismantle a bomb.


When your beard has been growing for two months, you will be at the perfect spot for some light beard shaping and sculpting (but be careful not to take off too much).

Beard oils and balms might still be unnecessary, as the sebaceous glands can produce enough natural oils to moisturize the beard, and special beard washes are also not needed yet.

The most helpful tools during this phase would be the beard brush, some good beard scissors, a trimmer, and perhaps a beard shaping template.

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Ali is a published author and a beard grooming expert. To this date, his articles have been read more than 15-million times on various sites, and he has helped thousands of men make their beards look better and grow thicker. His work has been featured and cited in Seeker, Wikihow, GQ, TED, and Buzzfeed.


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